Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friends who're just using you. When he/she is happy, even his/her shadows were nowhere to be seen. But when he/she is sad, there he/she goes crying to you. Ever been in this situation before? It's really distressing being in that kind of situation. I have a friend who's like that. When her life is filled with all types of friends and there's no problems, she 'kicked' me aside. She did not bother about me at all. When she had a boyfriend, her boyfriend was the pillar to her strength. She even bad-mouthed me behind my back to her 'wonderful' friends saying I was sensitive, acted like a real genius and stuffs like that. Confronting her will be nice, but I can't help but to feel pity everytime she had problems. I didn't had the heart to tell her off. People had been telling me not to befriend her anymore. But everyone has flaws. I know I'm being stupid, but I'm still friends with her till now even though I realised I was being used. So, what's your say? When you prioritize your partner more than your friend. You asked your friend if she can go out with you tomorrow.. Her: Sorry, im not free tomorrow. Im out with my boyfriend. Will text you as soon as im free. (But she never texts back.) You want to talk on the phone with him.. So, what's your say? Friday, January 29, 2010 Homosexual. Now, there's an increase of homosexuals among us. But why? Straight turned to gay. Straight turned to lesbian. But some of them are just born that way. Having sexual feelings towards other people of the same sex; sexual behaviour with people of the same sex; So what's really a homosexual? Here it goes ... My friend, 'A' (which is a girl), had a girl-friend named 'B'. She was so comfortable with 'B', they're almost like sisters but on one occasion, 'A' had sexual fantasies about 'B'. She kept imagining herself doing sexual intercourse with 'B'. One day, she couldn't take it anymore and playfully asked 'B' if they could french kiss. 'B' was shocked by her request. In the end, they did french kissed and 'A' began touching her. 'A' told me she enjoyed it and told me she had feelings for 'B'. So, what's your say? Thursday, January 28, 2010 Criticism, insult, affront. Three words, but it all brings the same meaning. All of us had criticize, insult and affront before. There are reasons why people criticize one another. Some criticizes because they have a poor self image. They feel that by making others look bad they themselves look better. Running others down makes them feel important. This of course is a bad case of self deception. Others may criticize because they are self righteous. Another reason people criticize is because they are jealous or just holding a grudge. This is their way of getting even and satisfying their resentment and jealousy. Another group of people who critique are those who do it by habit. They are too used to criticizing people. But, have it ever slipped your mind how the other party will feel when you insult them? Just by saying 'Eh, you're black. I bet we'll only see your teeth when it comes to night time!" or etc, it will offend them. Yes, maybe they'll laugh along with you and will go to the extent of agree-ing, but deep inside, you won't exactly know how they feel. And as a result of this, it'd affect their self-esteem. Maybe even before you insult them, they've low self-esteem. But why must you make it worst? Maybe it's better if you just keep the comments to yourself. If it's already a habit, then try to control. Not every human being can accept criticisms. Notice the people around you. Look at the way they treat you. Are they two-faced? Are they treating you nicely but behind your back, they speak horribly of you? Based on my experience, I've faced friends who're like that. I was planning a day out with three of my friends. We wanted to go to town and my parents gave me freedom to go out even without asking them permission. So on that day, I thought everything went well and I'll be able to spend the day with them. But unfortunately, my parents seemed to be having mood swings and no matter how hard I tried to plead them, they still wouldn't let me go out. I called one of them, 'A', and told her I couldn't go. 'Ouh it's okay. We'll go out next time. (:' What she replied kinda relieved me because I thought she'd be infuriated/angry with me. But the next week, a friend whom 'A' tell her secrets to, told me something which kind of broke my little heart. She told me that 'A' was cursing me because I couldn't go. She thought I was making an excuse so I wouldn't go out with them. She assumed something she's not sure of. She even thought negatively of me when I was telling the truth. What was her smiley face for in her text message? For show? What's the point of being a two-faced? If you're a true friend, you wouldn't go cursing your own friend behind their back. Stand up, brave yourself and just be open-minded with them. This incident is just an example. There's many more examples and I'm sure you readers have came across friends who're two-faced too. So, what's your say? Tuesday, January 26, 2010 Favouritism. This is another problem that is currently running through in our community. Why we say our community? Well, we've always received complains from our Malay friends who complained about their Malay friends that is so into favouritism. So far, we've not yet heard about other communities. What's favouritism? For some that does not know/understand what favouritism is, it means "an inclination to favor some person or group" or "unfair treatment of a person or group on the basis of prejudice". What's the point of finding friends of your own clan? For example, if you're the type who favours soccer, you won't go around be friends with those who is into soccer as well. Or maybe you're the type who favours shopping, you won't only sticked with those who favours shopping as well right? What we meant was, there's no harm if you wanna find friends who shares the same hobby or whatsoever like you. But if you once practice favouritism, we think, there's really something wrong with you. Here it goes ... It was my first day of work yesterday, and im working under Retail line. Since this isn't my first time working under that industry, i didn't expect my colleagues to be snobbish and won't talk to me. I was in the morning shift yesterday. The morning staffs (mostly Chinese and Philipines) was extremely fun. They greeted me with their warm welcome and smile, they assists me whenever im having doubts, they talked to me, and they cracked jokes with me. The only problem is with the second shift staffs. It's like i have to talk/smile to them first before they do the same thing to me. I have absolutely no problem with the Malay guys. It's only the Malay girls. I just could not understand them. Im new there and i have to talk/smile to them instead of them making the first move to me? And from what i observed, they only mixed around with their 'own type of people'. This is so wrong. I bet the Manager does not know about this. Cause he's been praising to me about his staffs. I really can't believe what im seeing. Why on earth are they practising favouritism? Choosing your own friends so that you will be cool? Then what about the others? What will they say/feel? What will happen to them? Will you like if people do the same thing to you? They won't mixed with you cause you doesn't suit being in their clan? So, what's your say? Monday, January 25, 2010 Secrets. Secrets are meant to be kept. But somehow or somewhat, it just couldn't be kept sealed. There's one incident, which happened a long time ago. I liked this particular guy, 'X', in my school. I trusted my friend to keep this to herself because I didn't want anyone to know. She promised me she wouldn't. But after about one week, my classmates began to disturbed me about that particular guy that I liked. I confronted her but she denied telling anyone. One day, sources said that my friend was actually the one who spread my secret. I was disappointed and didn't knew how to face the guy I liked. He seemed to ignore me whenever he saw me because he'd always treated me only as a friend and he just couldn't accept the fact that I've got the feelings for him. I didn't know why my friend was actually spreading my secret around when i've already told her to keep it sealed. Sometimes, you just have to be careful when you're going to share your secrets with anybody. Would you like it if you trust someone not to spread your secret around when they actually did? Especially if that secret cost you your pride. What will you feel if your secret suddenly falls on another person's hand, and the long list goes on? Won't you feel ashame? To prevent this from happening to yourself, share your secret with someone who you really trust. Or, just keep it to yourself. Make-ups. Yes, we're going to talk about make-ups for this post. I believe majority of the teenage girls wear make-ups. Well, not only teenage girls but also the adults. Why do we actually wear make-ups? Make-up is good as it enhances the looks of a person. It also beautifies and improves the beauty of the one who uses it. To attract guys, to enhance their natural beauty, lack self confidence on their looks, show other girls how beautiful they are or just simply it's because you feel like wearing it. And I believe some girls just prefer staying natural but what's really wrong in wearing make-ups? Guys would sometimes go, "You look better without make-up. Next time don't wear it when you're meeting me" and such but deep inside, you feel the opposite. You feel that you look better with make-up. At times you just feel irritated when people will go "Don't wear make-up ah. Later grow pimple" and etc. Yes it's true. But why would they even bother? ![]() Just an example of a person who's not wearing and wearing make-ups. See how the power of make-up help her enhance her beauty? Some of us wear make-ups just to look good. For us, we do wear make-ups and we do look good with it. So, what's your say? Cunning. Certain guys are just too cunning. Certain, we did mentioned. So, we're not referring to all. Someone that we know shared his story about his friend. Here it goes ... This guy, 'A', was being described as a Matrep by his friends due to his attitude and etc. He'll do anything just to 'satisfy his needs'. One day, he was contacting with this girl, 'B,' when 'B' suddenly asked him for help. She needed the $50 badly due to her family problems. Not knowing who else to ask for help, 'B' asked 'A' if he could lend her $50 and she'll return the money as soon as possible. The guy agreed. But on one condition. She had to make out with him before he will give the money. At first, the girl was against this idea. Instead, she asked if he could just lend the money first, and she'll then make out with him. The guy disagreed. He said, "Make out first, or no $50 for you". She was driven into the corner. She was left with no choice. She needed that money badly so she agreed. They went to make out at her house the next day when no one was at home. After making out, the girl then asked, "Where's my $50?" The guy hesitated and gave an excuse that he left his wallet at home. He promised that girl that he'll return back after bringing his wallet along. The girl was too gullible enough to believed him. That guy, instead of going back home, went to have his handphone number changed just so that the girl wouldn't be able to contact him anymore. That girl was waiting for his call but we all know that she's just wasting her time. She had make out with him for nothing. And that guy can still laugh about it to his friends, as if it was some kind of a joke. If you guys are really in need, try to get help from your cousins or maybe your close friends. And not from those who you only regard them as normal friends. But, if you're shy to do so, try getting help from those centers/places which offers you help when you're having difficulties with your finance. They're much more safer rather than you go around asking help blindly from the person that may turned out to be like the story above. But please, don't ever borrow money from loansharks. They will not help you by settling your problems, but they will add more problems into your life. Sunday, January 24, 2010 Sex, Making out. I've just ended up my phone conversation with my dearest girlfriend. Kinda pity her though. Her ex recently dumped her. And they've been together for about 5 months. What a waste. When asked, my girlfriend told me that they broke off because she's unwilling to make out with him. Hmm. This is another difficult yet interesting topic. I wonder. Is it a MUST to have sex/make-out with your partner when both of you are in a relationship? There's no right or wrong reasons to it. Some agreed, and some disagree. If you are asking me, i detest it as well. Why? Why did i detest? I do have strong points for detest-ing. What's the purpose for being in a relationship? It's because both of you are meant to be together (even if the relationship does not last for so long), both of you have chemistry, and most importantly, both of you care and love each other so much. That's why both of you decided to build a relationship together. When you're already in a relationship, what can you do to prevent the both of you from drifting apart? What can you do to make your relationship grew even more stronger? What can you do to increase your care and love for each other? What's the point of the both of you having the same chemistry if you did not make any effort to spend time together in activities both of you enjoyed doing? Wait, you get what i mean? What im trying to say is, there's lots of healthy activities for you to do rather than you get yourself involved in unhealthy activities. What im actually referring to is, sex/making out. What's the meaning of love? Love means "to have a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person". What's the meaning of care? Care means "to feel concern about someone". So, when you love someone, it means that you have a profoundly tender or passionate affection for him/her. And when you care for someone, it means that you feel concern about him/her. Spare 5-10 minutes of your time to think about this. (All my points are from my own experience.) 1. If a guy really loves you, even if they have a chance, will they do something funny to you (sex/making out)? No right? Instead, they will not try, but they will always AVOID themselves from doing so. 2. If a guy do respect you, he wont go around asking you questions like, "B, do you love me? If you do, lets make out okay?" Or whatever dialouges that guys uses to get their needs satisfied. Yes, she loves you. But, there's limits. Girls, if you happen to have a relationship with this kind of guys, better be safe than sorry. 3. Lets say that guy is really sincere to have a relationship with you, bringing him to meet both of your parents (even if the both of you are only friends) is sure a "no problem" thing right? Trust me, a guy who is sincere with you wont have any doubts to meet your parents. Atleast, if it's not both your parents, either one will do. (And i really mean parents. Not your friends/neighbours/sisters/brothers/cousins.) 4. Lets say that guy is really into you, he won't feels 'shy' whenever you asked him to hang around with your friends or when you wanted to hang around with his company. Instead, he will make use of this chance to introduce you to his company/to get to know your friends. Have you thought about it? Im not saying that guys play a huge role in this. I ever heard of stories from my guyfriends that it's their girlfriends who wanted sex/making out with them. I was so shocked when they told me that. My bad for having this kind of perception towards guys. So, what's your say? Guys using you. You logged in Tagged and received a message. A guy asked for your MSN. Before you decide to give your MSN, you browse his pictures and mumble to yourself, "Awww, this guy is cute. No harm giving him my MSN." And so you guys started chatting. After what you felt like you already knew him for a long time, he asked for your number. You didn't think twice and blindly gave him your number. You guys texted for a few hours until he brought up the topic about meeting up. You are okay with it so both of you decided to meet up the next day. After chilling around for a few hours, he suddenly brought up the topic of making out. He started sitting very close to you and started kissing you. Seeing that he's 'very cute' to you, you didn't mind and continue with it. After that day, he is still in contact with you. But whenever he asked you out, he never fails of wanting to make out with you. But the question of being officially together were never brought up. You realised it's wrong to do all this as both of you are not officially together. But he gave excuses he's not able to be with you because he has to concentrate on his studies/career. Instead, he told you not to worry because he has feelings for you and it's not wrong to make out. After awhile, whenever he wanted to make out, you backed out and stood up for your rights. He kept persuading you. He kept wanting to touch, kiss you and continue making out with you. But you said, "No, I don't want to." Alas, when you didn't want to make out with him anymore, he stopped contacting you. Girls, if you're in this situation, please, open up your eyes real big. This type of guy is just using you. He's not what you think he is. He is just going out with you to satisfy 'his needs'. And just because he's 'oh-so cute', 'oh-so handsome', oh-so whatever you call it, you can easily 'sell yourself'. Try to control. Some guys are just using their good-looking charm to get what they want. We girls are not stupid. We must stand up for our rights and most of all, we're not cheap. One of our readers has decided to share her story with us. We find her story true enough, so it's a lesson learnt to all of us girls. Don't let the guys take advantage of you. Thank you for sharing your experience and thank you for loving our blog. We love our readers as well. (; We did not amend any of the words she typed so just read and make this as a lesson to all of us. And it's okay with us if you want to use a different e-mail address. We respect your privacy. (; ey korg2 (: aku suker uh bacer blog korg . story mcm intresting`intresting uh . aku ader story jugak . ni aku pakai email org laen uh . tanak reveal uh . maner tawu korg kenal jantan ni ker aper ker . psl ni jantan quite ader namer dalam kaum`kaum pompuan ni laa kan . its about , eventho kau shayang tu jantan and kau pecayer tu jantan tkkan rosakkan kau , tkmu pegy angkat barang or pegy minom ngan dhea . nk pegy boleh uh , make sure tawu limit sua . tkmu lost ngan dhea . cause , this is what happen ngan aku . aku nyer org , serious talking uh , aku suker matrep`matrep . badan suratkhabar . kalau tatawu aper tu badan suratkhabar , tu maknenyer , angkong xiao uh . yesh uh , aku suker bad boy ! and , eventho aku da ader matair , and his a matrep & dhea saket aku rabak , aku tk pnah nk tonggeng untok diorg semua uh . and frankly speaking , aku tk penah setier ngan diorg semua . untill aku kenal ngan satu bdk airport ni uh . lets namer kan dhea C k ? aku kenal dhea thru lepak`lepak ngan bdk tanjung . and one of this budak tanjung is adek dhea . and , adek dhea kenal`kenal kan aku ngan si C ni . charming rabak laa dhea . tk boleh denied , he own the sweetest smile , kulit dhea punyer laa puteh , tattoo dhea semua mcm attract attention aku gitu uh . so , kyter exchange number . kyter text each other . dlm 2-3 bulan gitu uh kyter kwn . than dhea ckp dhea btol2 shayangkan aku la . and dhea nk aku jady dhea punyer sorg jer . jady aku ni , accept laa . handsome nk mampos oi , saper tanak ! btol tk ? but , aku tkder tu intention langsong nk setier ngan dhea . stakat uat past time jer uh . seriously uh , saper nk gy setier sia ngan matrep2 yg ader tattoo`tattoo satu badan . nnt kalau ader jodoh , khawin , blom tentu diorg boleh tanggong . tk sanggop aku nk khawin ngan matrep ! i just couldnt take the risk . so , part kyter da matair , he keep seducing me uh . maen`maen darah ngan aku . try to touch here and there . but aku keep avoiding uh . virgin laa katerkan . yg sweetnyer and aku thought dhea ni btol`btol laa shayangkan aku psl everytime dhea mintak aku tk kasik , he will say " i shayangkan u uh . makin susah nk dpt u , makin tu laa i shayangkan u " so , tu laa aper aku uat . avoid`avoid and keep avoiding . sampai one day ni , family aku semua tk balek tu mlm . aku yg bodoh ni , ajak dhea overnight kat rumah aku . psl aper aku ajak dhea ? psl dhea ckp , dhea ader 3 biji ikan . saper`saper tatawu ikan tu aper , its somekind of drugs uh that make u feel hyper . everytime aku nk tekan atao mabok , aku slalu ckp ngan ex aku " jangan rosakkan aku " and , nothing happen . but , this turn out differently . seblom angkat , aku ckp ngan dhea " dy , i trust u . tkmu rosakkan i k ? " and he give a smile and promise me he keep his hands to hymself . so , aku tekan tu ikan sambil minom baron . ngah shake`shake , skali , aku minom teros tiber`tiber semua blank sia . tu jer uh aku ingat . aku bangon , aku tgk dhea kat sebelah aku . korg mesti tawu what happen uh . aku nangis rabak`rabak biler aku tgk diri aku cumer pakai bra and nothing else . ruper`rupernyer , dhea spike minom aku . aku nyer sedih . and dhea pujok aku . dhea ckp dhea tkkan tglkan aku ni semua . and for once , i thought he really meant his words . cause , we're dating for almost a month . and at that month , i missed my period by dont noe how many weeks uh . aku start panic uh . aku tanyer dhea , and dhea ckp , dhea shoot dalam . start la aku nyer cry baby . for once i felt my world was crushing down on me sia ! lepas aku blg dhea , aku tk dtg menses , perangai dhea start mcm pukimak . dhea jumper pompuan laen , mantat pompuan laen , sampai la aku dtg menses . teros dhea pujok`pujok aku tkmu tglkan dhea . so , aku tk tglkan dhea . kyter sekatil lagi sekali * paham`paham uh aper maksod aku ey * and , dhea tawu , slagy aku tk dtg menses , selagy tu aku tanak lepaskan dhea . kalau aku lepaskan dhea , abbe aku pregnant , saper nk tanggong anak aku kan ? so dhea start perangai pukimak dhea . this keep repeating and repeating sampai kiter jejak 6 bulan ! aku teros dump dhea . swear to god , i cant stand him anymore . so girls , never trust a guy eventho u really love hym . but , for now , i do believe uh , if u feel the relationship is strong enough , its true enough , and u feel comfortable doing it with hym without any forcing , than maybe having sex will make the guy love you more . i wouldnt called it sex . it sound better by , making love . everybody have their own needs right :) by having sex , u also increase the chemistry you both for each other . and the love increase . BUT ! this is only if u feel comfortable doing it & u willingly doing it . and you know , his the right guy . but , jgn la baru matair 1,2,3 bulan korg nk teros naek katil . slow things down . do it when both party wants it k ? aku loooveeeee blog korg (: stay it this way alright :D Some guys just have to have other intentions. My god. Girls must learn to take good care of themselves. It's really saddening seeing more and more girls being in this situation. Brace up! We must STAND UP FOR OUR RIGHTS and tell them straight that we girls ARE NOT DOLLS that they can play with. Do remember this, once a guy, always a guy. Most guys are born to be sweet-talkers. Even if they deny that they are not, well, they indeed are. If they don't sweet-talked you, without you realising, they're actually replacing those sweet words with their sweet actions. But guys, don't be offended alright? We knew that all guys are not the same. Nevertheless, keep sending e-mails all right? We'd love to hear from more reader's experience. Saturday, January 23, 2010 Afraid of your boyfriend looking at other girls. I've just came back from supper with few of my friends. Somewhere at Tanjong Pagar was our destination. The place was so creepy, but i swear, the food there was extremely delicious. Yum yum! Since it was my first time there, i did not expect the place to be so crowded. The atmosphere there is just the same like Aliff, Al-Azhar, and Al-Ameen Coffee Shops. But hey, im not gonna talk about food for today. But, im gonna talk about something which i've been wondering about for so long. The rest of my friends was with their partner. All of them are attached, except for me. We sat at a table next to a Malay group. Do take note of this, my main objective for going there was to fill my hungry stomach, and not to flirt. While waiting for the food to arrive, i have the urge of going to the toilet. Since nobody wants to accompany me, i went to the toilet alone. As i was heading for the toilet, there's this guy looking at me. He smiled, and i smiled back. It won't be nice if someone smiled to us and we just ignore them. That's kinda rude. I thought the guy was alone, but im wrong. He's with his partner. Since i really can't control my bladder, i don't really bother about that couple, and quickly went in to the toilet and do what's necessary. I went out from my cubicle, and to my shock, i saw this girl standing outside the cubicle. I even mistook her for being a 'Pontianak'. Then she came and confronted me. She accused me of trying to tackle her boyfriend. Yes, she is really getting on my nerves. I just wash my hands, ignore this crazy girl, and went back to my table. I shared this story with the rest of my friends, and they were like laughing out loud. So while they were laughing, i saw them coming back and to my suprise, their table was just next to mine. And the most irritating part was, from the place where i was seating, i was facing them. Throughout my presence there, the girl kept on flirting with her boyfriend. She kissed him, played with his hands, and stuffs. But the funny part was, the guy ignored her. She was as if trying to make me feel jealous. But please, like i said, i came there to fill my hungry stomach, and not to look at guys. I just don't understand the concept about this. Why must girls go to the extend of doing that so that others won't looked at their boyfriend? I've never met a guy who does that. It's all mostly girls. So girls, what are you actually thinking about? Your boyfriend won't run away when they are with you. Looking or even smiling at someone is not a sin right? Instead, it will brighten each other's day if we're to smile at each other. So, what's your say? Wednesday, January 20, 2010 It's his/her fault! Why must I forgive him/her? I don't lose anything if i didn't get to be friends with him/her! Tell him/her to f*** off! I won't forget what he/she has done to me! My oh my, quarrels quarrels quarrels. This is normal in friendship and even relationship. But once you said you do not lose out without a friend like her/him, something is really wrong here. This post is going to be about friendship. Hard to forgive a friend for something she/he had done? Feel like fucking her/him upside down? Feel like giving her/him a tight slap or kick her/his ass? No no. If you're a good friend, you won't do anything of the above mentioned.
Remember, your friend is a human-being like you. Everyone makes mistakes. Even you. What's so difficult in forgiving them? If you want them to be a good friend, you should also play a part in being a good friend too. Respect them if you want to be respected. In conclusion, EVERYONE NEEDS FRIENDS IN THEIR LIFE. Don't waste friendship just because of your ego. It's not worth it. So, what's your say? Sunday, January 10, 2010 "All guys/girls are the same!" All guys are the same! No, wait! All girls are the same! We always came across this sentence whenever they are being ditched by their girlfriend/boyfriend or even someone that has put an impact in their life (be it crush, admire, or someone you really adore/like). So which party is right? The guys or the girls? For today's post, we're gonna share with you readers about our two friends past encounter. Both of our friends are from a different gender. And they have the same perspective of saying that the opposite gender are all the same whenever they are being ditched. After listening to their stories, it's hard to tell whether which party is right or wrong about their mindset of saying "All guys/girls are the same". Here it goes (Identifications will not be revealed to avoid misunderstandings to occur.) ... The girl's ordeal : This girl, 'A', was being dumped by her ex 3 months ago. They knew each other in September, and they broke up in December. So, their relationship lasted for only 2 months. But what 'A' did not know about 'B', her ex, was that he lied to her about his career. 'B' told 'A' that he was a regular Police Coast Guard (PCG) Officer, and he turned out to be someone who is still serving his National Service (NS). To make the story short, 'A' found out the date that 'B' was supposed to 'temporary quit his PCG job' was the same as those NS guys who has fully completed their 2 years of service. 'A' gets to know about this through one of her friend who told her that his ORD date is on the date itself. Later, 'A' suddenly remember whenever 'B' met his friends, 'B' will always say that he's still in NS. And also, whenever 'A' wants to look at 'B's' IC, he will always come out with thousand reasons. But by the time 'A' have found out the truth, they've already broken up. So, there's no way for 'A' to confront 'B'. Another thing that 'A' found out was, 'B' was close to her bestfriend, 'C', (it's a girl) without 'A's' knowledge. At night, when 'A' was supposed to talk on the phone with 'B', he gave excuses that he was busy. But, sources said that 'B' was not actually busy but instead, he was talking to 'C' till late at night. And a few months after their seperation, 'C' confessed to 'A' that she was actually having an affair with 'B' behind 'A's' back when they are still together. 'A' got so disappointed, she cried for almost everyday. Until today, whenever there's someone who wants to be friend with her, she will just tell them off and say to them that all guys are the same. And as predicted, the guys will try to deny and accused the opposite gender instead. The guy's ordeal : This guy, 'X', had known this girl, 'Y', through a friends-networking website and they then took a step further to chat in MSN. After a few hours of chatting, 'Y', surprisingly, asked for' X's' number. The guy was taken aback by her asking his number but he gave his number anyway. They texted for a few weeks and this guy realised he has feelings for this particular girl. They eventually called each other 'Dear', 'Baby' and they said 'I love you' frequently to each other. As a result of this, the guy was convinced that she has feelings for him too. He then pursued to another level. Confessing his feelings and then asked her to be his girlfriend. The girl said she loved him too but was unable to accept him as her boyfriend for whatever reasons she had. This guy did not gave up. Due to his love for this girl, he tried to 'win her heart' by spending more time with her and buying her things that she craved for. 'X 'tried to cross his fingers and tried asking her one more time if she could be his girlfriend. This time, 'Y' told him to wait for her till she had reached the age of 18 (she was 16 at that point of time). He first thought 2 years will past in a blink of an eye so he decided to wait. Boy how ridiculous he was. He was getting impatient. He did not gave up neither. He wanted to try his luck by trying to make her change her mindset of 'getting attached on the age of 18'. Slowly, 'Y' got to know more of 'X's' friends. After spending more time with them, 'Y' kept asking 'X' to bring along his friends whenever they wanted to meet. He was reluctant because he wanted to spend time only with her but for the name of love, he sacrificed. Slowly, 'Y' began going out with one of 'X's' friends alone for a couple of times. Sources said 'Y' had feelings for him. One day, 'X' got into contact with 'Y's' friend. Her friend told 'X' that 'Y' is contacting with a couple of guys and told him to be careful. She felt she was being disrespectful towards 'Y' for telling 'X' the info but she thought 'X' has the right to know. 'X' has decided to stop contacting 'Y' since then. A few weeks later, 'X' found out that 'Y' was attached. He was furious because he remembered 'Y' telling him she wanted to be attached only at the age of 18. We can't blame any gender. If we agreed that all guys are the same, what about the girls? If we assumed that all girls are the same, what about guys then? We should stop being a sexist and stop pinpointing the other gender for being the same as the others. Scrape off this mindset of 'All girls/guys are the same' and hatred. Instead, inject beauty to that hatred in terms of forgiving. So, what's your say? |
We know we've been MIA for quite some time now but to let you guys know ... WE'RE BACK! We'll be posting as much as we can like last time. We would like to extend our apologies to our dear readers for leaving dust in this blog. Fret not, No-Controversy has returned!
We're back with a new concept too! Back with fresher and juicier topics/stories. We shall be more open about everything, and shall not focus on 'Love' alone. Touching too much about 'Love' might affects those who are single, get some readers irritated, and some might even feel bored and dull. Our most essential aim and focus of this blog - We don’t condemn, we don't discriminate, we don’t judge, we don’t hate. We are just being open-minded, and not narrow-minded. We update and share things about what is actually happening around us, and maybe some of you are not aware of it. We will remain anonymous for reasons that must be remain private. We do not ripped from any other blogs. This is originally from our own effort. This blog was created quite a long time ago. But, we just started active recently. We really do hope to get supports from you readers.
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