Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Quarreling with parents. And you start throwing tantrum. You end up quarreling with your parents. Yes, we know that our parents can sometimes be, sorry to say, frustrating, unfair, etc, but how do we keep our temper in check to prevent fights with parents when they're getting on our nerves? 1. Slow down and think. Taking things slower lets you identify and sort through your feelings as they occur. If you can identify that you're feeling irritated or angry, you may be better able to restrain yourself from taking it out on Mom or Dad. 2. Count to 10. This is yet another way of getting yourself to loosen up and analyse about how you feel before you act. Take a deep breath, count at a slow pace, then question yourself how you feel and why. You may be aware that it's not the good time to criticize your Dad's opinion, for example, and help yourself out by picking a better time to discuss your point of view with him. 3. Think of the time when your parents have helped or pleased you. Everyone acts like a monster sometimes and an angel at others. Try to remember an incident when your parents were being as wonderful as ever to balance out the negative feeling you're having about them at the moment. 4. Keep telling yourself that quarreling usually doesn't solve problems. It makes the situation worse. You may not be feeling exceptionally reasonable, but try to use your head: Will starting a quarrel help settle the situation at hand, or is there possibly a better way? How can you address the issue calmly and with a clear head? 5. Don't be so hard on yourself. So your mum's angry about your grades or your dad dislike your boyfriend or girlfriend. They're entitled to their opinions, but their opinions don't make you a bad person. You're free to have your own opinions, too. Use them wisely. 6. Take into account what else is going on in your own life. Are you not feeling well or dumbfounded from a quarrel with a friend?Give yourself some space, too. Don't let your feelings about other events and people colour how you treat your family members - or anyone else, for that matter. You'd probably dislike it if they did the same to you, right? All quarrels/fights are inevitable. And at time, quarrels are needed to work out an issue or problem. Nevertheless, you should be proud of yourself when you achieve in keeping your mental state in check: Refraining yourself from quarreling with your parents. Keep in mind, your parents are human-beings, too - people who make mistakes, just like you. Secrets. -Topic suggestion by Miraa. Secret refers to something that is or is kept secret, hidden, or concealed. All of us knew that secret is somehow sensitive and it must not fall onto another person's hands if being told. As for today's topic, we're going to discuss about "Should we keep secrets with each other when we're in a relationship with them?" They should. Since they are in a relationship, they must not keep anything from each other. Keeping secrets from each other has the same meaning as the both of you don't trust each other. What's the point of having a relationship with him/her when you don't even trust them? What will you feel if your partner doesn't want to share any secrets with you because they don't trust you? They should not. Not all secrets are meant to be told. As you know, it's a secret and secrets are meant to be concealed. Don't get upset if your partner doesn't want to share their secrets with you. This isn't because of they don't trust you. The secret they're keeping might be too heavy for them to reveal because who knows it might hurt you deeply? Or the secrets happens to be one of their past and they don't wish to share it with you because they want to forget about it and move on? But still, it's up to individual's opinion. So, what's your say? Don't get upset if your partner doesn't want to share their secrets with you. When the right time has come, sooner or later, you will know about it. And if your partner did share their secrets with you, make sure you keep it sealed because most secrets cause you your pride. One-sided feelings. - Topic suggestion by Sha. Ouch. One-sided feelings really hurts. Have you readers came across with this situation? You definitely have feelings for that someone but that someone doesn't feels the same way to you? You really love that someone and that someone loves someone else? Or you're hoping to have a relationship with that someone but that someone treats you only as a friend? "Nothing hurts more than realizing he/she meant everything to you but you mean nothing to him/her." Believe it or not, one-sided feelings happens to almost everybody. And it is sure very painful. It can even feel like torture. But readers, don't worry. As for today's post, we're going to provide you with tips on how to deal with one-sided feelings. 1. Limit the amount of time you spend with the person who doesn't love you. It will be better if you don't meet them for a while. 2. Come to terms with the fact that they don't share your romantic feelings. You have to accept the fact that the both of you are not meant to be with each other so you can move on with your own life. 3. Try writing words of motivation such as "I wasted my time liking/loving you. It's time to move on" on a slip of paper and placing it in your jacket/under your pillow. Every time you reach into your pocket/under your blanket, recite the words in your mind, and put it back to its original place. By doing this, it will give you motivation to getting on with the rest of your life. 4. Keep yourself busy. Take up a new hobby such as singing/acting/dancing. Join a sports team or work your frustrations out through exercise. Find things you enjoy doing and commit yourself to it. Both your body and heart will feel better. 5. Surround yourself with those who do love you. Don't be ashame to ask them for advice/opinions. 6. Spend time with those who can make you happy. Chances are, at least one of your friends is brilliant at getting your mind off of the person who's causing you pain. Let them help you not take life too seriously. 7. Take some time each day to focus on a few of your good qualities. Remind yourself that you're a great person even if someone out there doesn't like you. Think about what other qualities you'd like to have, and set some goals about attaining them. 8. Remind yourself that it would not be any fun to be with someone who doesn't want to reply back to your feelings towards them. Think about what love should be like and how equality plays a big part. You deserve to be treated the way you want to be treated. 9. Remember another emotionally difficult situation you've been through and how you got through it. Use some of the strategies you used in that situation to help you heal from this heartbreak. 10. Give your time to accept the fact that he/she doesn't feel the same way towards you. 11. When you're ready, start going out with other people you'd consider dating. Give yourself the chance to fall in love again and you undoubtedly will. Like how Keri Hilson said in her song Knock You Down, "Sometimes love comes around and it knocks you down just get back up when it knocks you down" that's what exactly you need to do. No use dwelling about it because it takes two hands to clap. Don't be sad if he/she refused to reply back to your feelings. You deserve someone much more better. Don't waste your time liking/loving someone you know won't be a part of you. Sunday, February 21, 2010 "I want to break up with him/her. But I don't know how." Hard, isn't it? You want to end the relationship but you're scared he/she will get hurt. Well ... All break ups hurts, right? 1) The right way to ask for a break up when it's at the wrong time. - It just happens that you've found the right person at a wrong time. Maybe they live far away and neither of you are willing to go to their place (eg: boon lay and pasir ris); maybe your school/studies or work doesn't leave you enough time for a relationship. If you're forced to break up but might want to try things further down the road, try to not to burn any bridges. Be honest to your partner - "I love you, but i think our relationship can't work out right now." Afterwhich, give them space to forget you. And when they're ready, they will still be friends with you (if they want it). 2) The right way to ask for break up with someone whom you'll meet everyday. - If your boyfriend/girlfriend is someone at your school or work, do your best to keep the break up drama-free. It'll be painful for them to see you every day, so give them lots of space. You don't need to pretend you don't see them in the corridor, canteen, or anywhere, but don't crowd them or try to become friends with them. They need time away from you to heal. If they want to avoid you for the time being, try as best as you can to respect that. 3) The right way to ask for break up when you've found his/her replacement. - If you wanted a break up because you've found someone else - someone who is ready to date you, too - then you need to be gentle without telling any lies. For example: "I like you a lot, but i don't feel like we're totally compatible." If they ask whether there's somebody else, just be honest. After the break up, be sensitive of their feelings and don't rub your new relationship in their face. 4) The right way to ask for a break up with someone who is abusive. - Getting out of an abusive relationship can be difficult, because your boyfriend/girlfriend might try to hurt you or manipulate you into staying together. Use firm language, stay strong and end the conversation quickly. You don't owe them a living. If you're afraid of your safety, talk to your parents or friends, or, if you feel like there's no other option, the police. 5) The right way to ask for a break up with someone whom you lost interest with. - The ones who get dumped usually has one question for you: Why? It will be tricky to answer them if there's no good reason for the breakup. Don't let this deter you from breaking it off. If you think it's time for the relationship to end, then it'd be unfair for both of you to stay together. Answer them in a vague but gentle way: "I just think it's time to for me move on;" "I don't feel like we're totally compatible as boyfriend and girlfriend;" "I can't give you what you're looking for in a relationship." Just make it clear to them that it's over. Do use the ways we've given you readers if you don't have any ideas to end a relationship with someone. Don't break up without reasons because that's very rude. We're sure you readers don't like it if someone ask you for break up in a very rude way. So, what's your say? 8 Signs to prove that someone likes you. He may MSN or text you constantly but never ask you out for a date. She might stare at you throughout work time then ignore you during break time. Maybe you've got a sneaking suspicion that he/she has the feelings for you. How can you tell that your feelings about them liking you is true? Here are a few signs that they are probably into you. 1. Your gut says "YES!" - This may be a frustrating piece of advice because you're still learning how to recognize and trust your intuition. However, if you have a feeling that someone's falling for you, its probably true. Give yourself more time. With it, you will learn how to recognize this feeling better, so don't sweat it. 2. They can't take their eyes off you. - He/she won't be able to avoid looking at you. He/she may look into your eyes for a long time, or he/she might glance at you compulsively then look away, but one way or another, his/her gaze is constantly headed in your direction. This is one example of a body language, a great clue about whether someone likes you, 3. They want to be near you. - If he/she likes you, he/she's likely to put herself/himself near you whenever possible. Maybe he/she finds way to see you. He/she might not say anything to you, but he/she wants to know more about you. 4. They remember things you say. - Three weeks ago you mentioned that you've always wanted a Gilera, and he/she brings it up when you're chatting. Maybe he/she remembers that your favourite colour is red or that you're deathly afraid of the dark. If he/she is paying attention into little details like this, he's probably into you. 5. They think you're hilarious - Even if you totally aren't. - You told the worst joke at work the other day, and he/she was the only one who laughed. Maybe you made a pun that caused everyone else to groan, but he/she held her tongue. Perhaps he/she giggles at everything you say. If any of these situation like yours, there's a good chance that he/she likes you. 6. They smile like it's going out of style. - When you walk into the room, his/her face lights up. When you talk to each other, he/she's smiling big and paying attention. Now ask him/her out already! 7. They tell someone they like you. - He/she might tell one of her friends that he/she likes you, or he/she might be a little more subtle and say something like "Wow! Sheila is a really great dancer" or "Don't you think Yan is the nicest guy ever?" In either case, he/she thinks you're pretty great and would probably be thrilled if you asked him/her out. 8. They ask for your opinion. - He/she asks what you think about something that's important to him/her, whether it's his/her blog or his/her new pair of sunglasses. He/she's probably pretty keen on you, and this is a great opportunity to strike up a conversation, and maybe more. So readers, does these 8 signs already proved you enough? Well, if it does, good luck. ;) Saturday, February 20, 2010 Break Up You're not ready to let him/her go. But that's that. He/she had decided that it's best for the both of you to break up. You still need him/her. You 'can't survive without him/her'. But once their mindset is made up, you can't do anything about it. All you have to do is - get over it. But the question is. How? Pretend that it didn't happen. I know it's hard to pretend, but well, you just have to try. You broke up for a good reason (even if it's not), and getting back together isn't an option. Until you accept this, you can't start healing. Maybe this might be a little bit far, but yes, just get sad. Give yourself a couple of days to mope around and cry. Sob to your friends, write your unhappiness to a diary, or even screaaaam out loud (a deserted place, that is)! Letting yourself be sad will do you better rather than bottling your unhappiness all up. After all that crying, it's better to start snapping out of it! Having the urge of calling and messaging him/her? Resist it. You need a little time apart from each other, or else you'll never stop hurting. In a couple of months, you might be ready to try out a friendship, but for now, try to avoid all contact. Hang out with your friends and family, go shopping, watch a movie or just hang out with fun friends will help. It'll make you feel good and get your mind off of the break up. After the loss, you won't be thinking about your ex non-stop like you used to. But after a while, thoughts will trail back to your break up. Put aside those sad thoughts off your head and replace them with happy ones. Break ups can be a good excuse for fresh starts. Make a fun change: give yourself a makeover, and etc. It'll make you feel happy and give you a big boost of confidence. Time really does heal all wounds. The pain you're feeling now won't last forever, even if it feels like it will. Just hang in there. Let time heal your wounds. So, what's your say? Trust means to believe. If you trust him/her, it means you have no doubt in your mind about his/her honesty and integrity. Tiada hubungan yang kekal tanpa kepercayaan. Trust is the key to building a relationship. If you don’t trust a person, your relationship will not survive, because you have no trust in him/her. Have you ever felt hurt or betrayed by your boyfriend/girlfriend and find it hard to forgive him/her? Firstly, remind yourself that "that was then and this is now." Many people have a tough time to trust their partners again, especially if their partner had cheated on them.
Do not trust on the phrase: Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater. Because people can change. It's just up to you whether to trust him/her back again or not. Remember, trust your instinct. Because most of the the time, instinct are always right. So, what's your say? Wednesday, February 17, 2010 A Mat boyfriend who dumps her girlfriend because of another girl. We've heard all sorts of disheartening stories about the topic stated above. Well, we do have friends who've been dumped by their mat boyfriends before. "One is never enough for guys!" are commonly heard when the girls' were being dumped. What will you do if you're in this kind of situation? Feel like bashing up the girl's face? Feel like shouting and slapping your boyfriend's face? Remember, it's not worth it doing all that. No use crying over a spilt milk. If your boyfriend is really into you, or if he really loves you, no matter how hard the other party tried to woo him, he won't fall for the other party. So, what's your say? Ego. Thank you for all the topic suggestions, readers! We appreciate it so so so so much. Now we'll have a lot of topics to post about. So, for this post, we're gonna talk about Ego - a topic suggestion by Yanty and Susy. (; So, what is ego? It means 'The opinion that you have about yourself; Thinking that you are very clever or important; Something that someone does because it makes them feel important'. So which gender has more ego? The girl or the guy? We're going to put a few scenarios to compare. (First scenario: A couple were quarrelling over the girl's wrongdoings towards the Guy.) Guy: You lied! You played behind my back! Girl: I did not! Why are you being stupid by going around and believing others?! Guy: I saw you with my own eyes! Girl: That wasn't me! You know i wouldn't do such things to you! Don't wanna believe me?! Suit yourself kay! Don't ever talk to me again! Sighs, it was really her fault. To cover up her mistake, she accused her boyfriend for not trusting her. (Second scenario: A couple were quarrelling because the Mat has a scandal behind the Minah's back.) Girl: One girl is never enough for you! Guy: What do you mean by that? Girl: I saw you with another girl just now! Why must go to the extend of holding hands?! Guy: When? I was at home today. I didn't go anywhere. You got the wrong person, dear. Girl: Just admit it! I know that girl, and she says she's having an affair with you! Guy: Huh? She's lying. She's making up stories so that you will leave me. You know i love you and no one else. Please, believe me. And he starts his sweet-talk. Ego wants to win the argument, prefers his/her opinion, rubbishes the opposing side. In both scenarios, the guilty one didn't want to admit defeat even though she/he was in the wrong. Why gender the ego? So, back to the question; Which gender has more ego? And based on our experience/knowledge/investigation, both sex have equal ego. Thus, neither the guys' nor the girls' ego are high. They chose to be unreasonable and refuse to give and take. So, what's your say? Tuesday, February 16, 2010 Valentine's Day (V Day). How was your V Day celebration? Well, we did not even celebrate it. Cause we don't have any partners to do so, and we don't find a need to celebrate V Day. Instead of celebrating V Day, we celebrated Frienship's Day. It's just a casual outing anyway. Do you guys know what's the real meaning of V Day? V Day is an annual holiday held on February 14 celebrating love and affection between intimate companions. It is traditionally a day on which lovers express their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionary and sending greeting cards. (Sources are from Is it a must to celebrate V Day? Yes, we all know that V Day originates from Christians. It is a sin to celebrate V Day. Same goes to drinking and tattoos. We know it's wrong, but we still does that. We're nothing different as compared to a rebel. To those without Valentine, don't be disheartened. When you look around you and realised everyone has their own Valentine, don't go thinking that you need one too. Don't be desperate. When you don't have a Valentine, just think, "We shouldn't celebrate this day." It'd somehow make you feel better. It's not necessary to celebrate V Day. For those who're attached, V Day somehow doesn't makes a difference. Because to you, everyday is Valentines' Day. Those who're single, just celebrate this day with your friends who're single too or simply.. Just stay at home and sleep sounds good too. If you love each other and want to show how appreciative you are to each other, there isn't a need to wait till 14 February to do so. You can always do it on other days. Seriously, it doesn't make a difference if you do it on 14 February or not. So, what's your say? "You'll never know how valuable someone is until you lose them." I'm sure all of us had heard of it before and yes, i do agree with this statement. We tend to take things for granted. So what are we going to talk about today? Parents. The ones who've taken care of us since birth. The ones who've sacrificed alot for us since birth. And how do we repay them? By being rude, rebellious, stubborn, etc. We did things that are hurtful to them, but do they seek revenge? No. They forgive each and every mistakes we made. "My mum's really getting on my nerves! When will she ever shut her mouth up?!" "I can't even smoke! Can't do this, can't do that! So, what can i do?!" "Just got home, and mum started to nag! Is that the only thing she knows how to do?! It's not an offence to go home at night!" "Im getting sick of staying at home! Wanna go out, but parents didn't approved! F*** uh!" "Such a stupid dad! How can he get mad over a small thing?! Crazy fellow!" I'm sure most of us have said either one of the stated above. I know, sometimes they can really be a pain. But remember, whatever they do, it's for our own good. No parents would ever want to do harm to their child. Parents have never complained about our weaknesses. But why does it seem that we keep complaining about theirs? Ever been in this situation? You saw your mum/dad cried while they're doing their prayers? They prayed that God will forgive all your wrong doings towards them? Well, i've experienced this before. And i swear, i cried seeing it with both my eyes. After that incident, i told myself not to be rude with them anymore (although i still did it cause i can't control myself at times). So what if the age gap between us and our parents are far? Who says parents don't understand us? Do take note that our parents are once a teenagers as well. Wanna become like one great gangster? My dad was once a gangster. Wanna wear revealing clothes? My mum once wore sexier clothes than me. Wanna have boyfriend/girlfriend? Both my parents too have that kind of feeling before. I just don't understand why some of us still say that parents just don't understand us when they've been through what we're going through right now. Here are some tips on how to build strong relationship with your parents. 1. Instead of asking your friends out for a walk at Town, might as well you ask your parents along. Atleast, you can introduce Town to them. (Unless if you think it's emberrasing bringing your parents out for a walk at Town. Well, it's TOWN!) 2. Instead of wasting your time slacking with your friends at Starbucks/under the void deck/or anywhere, might as well slack with your parents. Atleast, you can update each other with what's happening in your life or their's. 3. Im sure all of us likes to go Karaoke-ing. Instead of going with your friends, might as well you go with your parents. Atleast, you can spend time with them rather than spending time with your friends. Always prioritise your parents first, and not your friends. Now, you can even agree with us when you still spends more time with your friends. When parents asked for your help, "Alah, i will do it later.", "Im tired ah", and so on. Communication with your parents is very important to keep in good terms with them. Parents still understands us best. Cause when i was dumped by my ex last time, it was my parents who console me, not my friends. You can find friends anywhere and anytime. But, who will replace your parents if their no longer with you one day? They're the one who gave us a place to stay, gave us pocket money. Don't misuse all those advantages. Treat them well before they're gone. Even if you were to cry your eyes out, they won't come back to you. Hints. Girl: Youuuuuu, tomorrow's 2nd of May.
It's not that guys are slow. It's just their nature. So girls, do not try and keep giving them hints because most of them just couldn't get what you're trying to say. Just be straight-forward. Most guys don't like it when girls play with words. Or else, don't get upset if your boyfriend still doesn't gets you. This incident happened to us before, not once, but for so many times. Irritating much, right? Felt like shouting at them? Or worst, felt like asking them to insert bigger amount of memory card to their brain? But initially, we really can't blame them. According to one of our guy friends, this is not something they purposely didn't want to remember. But don't worry, it's not just your birthday/anniversary/etc that they don't remember. Even their mum/dad/sister/brother's birthday/anniversary/etc too. So girls, if you have a boyfriend who remember all those special dates, be PROUD of them. Cause it is really something when your boyfriend remembers all those special dates. Sunday, February 14, 2010 "I Love You" Huh? But why? We haven't even meet each other! "This is so weird and so wrong! How can he/she loves me when we haven't even meet? I bet he/she is trying to play around. Yes, he/she is!" Ever came across with someone who has this 'disease'? Well, not literally a disease. We have got no idea on what word to use. Hehe. Honestly, the both of us has ever came across with this 'disease'. Knew each other from the Internet, contact through either MSN/phone, never ever meet each other, and end up, have feelings for each other. If you've ever gone through with this 'disease' before, raise your hands up high. Yes, you might caught yourself laughing while reading. Maybe you would even thought how stupid you are to like each other when the both of you haven't even meet. There's nothing to be stupid about cause ... If you ask us, it's nothing wrong to do so. Why? We will tell you why. You have feelings for each other when you've never meet each other before (not even seeing their pictures). What does this means? This means that you've fallen for each other's attitude/personality, and not for their looks. There must be really something in him/her that made you fall for them. Agree? Developing feelings for one another before and after meeting is a two different things. Before: You definitely have no idea how the person looks like. But nevertheless, you still wanted to keep in contact with him/her. The both of you kept in contact through MSN/phone for about 3 months. And after 3 months, you both like each other, and confessed to each other. Definition: This means that you've fallen for each other's attitude/personality. Yes, you know that you haven't meet them. But, you don't simply care. Cause, there must be really something in them that made you fall for them. After: You knew how the person looks like. And because of you knew how the person looks like, you wanted to keep in contact with them. Even before 3 months takes place, you already have feelings for them. Definition: This mean that you've fallen for each other's charming/gorgeous looks, and not because of their charming/gorgeous attitude/personallity. Cause, it's their looks that caught your eyes first. and then followed by their attitude/personallity. Agree? Whatever it is, we still don't find it wrong for someone to have feelings for each when the both of them haven't meet up. Although for some who might find it weird and so wrong, trust us, we have friends who are into this 'disease', and shockingly, after they met, they live happily ever after. So, what's your say? Long Distance Relationships. Have you ever came across with someone who is practicing Long Distance Relationships (LDRs)? What is your thoughts about LDRs? Does it really works? When people are in LDRs, this means that, the both of you rarely meet. Because you're so far away from each other. The both of you keep in contact only through phone calls/MSN/Skype. Maybe once in a while, the both of you will webcam-ed with each other. Phone calls/MSN/Skype/Webcam is completely a total different things than meeting up. Let me bring you readers to one scenario. Now, put yourself in a situation where you're having a LDR with your boyfriend. You're at London pursuing your studies whereas your boyfriend is at Singapore, still serving his NS. The both of you keep in contact only through the ways we've mentioned above. The both of you will only webcam-ed when the both of you miss each other. Let's say your boyfriend has someone else behind your back without you not knowing it. He will still acts normally 'infront' of you so that you won't suspect anything. Get what we meant? What we are trying to say is, you won't know the guy/girl is lying by doing so. The only way you can know they are lying or not, is by meeting them up, and talk face to face. Possibilities are high that cheating will be involved with anybody who's in LDRs. Like what we've mentioned above, when you're in LDRs, both of you rarely meet. Who won't get bored when you can't meet someone you love to spend time with? Who won't get bored when all of your friends have their girl/boyfriends near them when yours is somewhere far away? You readers get what we meant? So, can the both parties really be trusted? Well, if you readers ask us, we don't think LDRs makes any sense. If the guy stays at Pasir Ris, and the girl stays at Boon Lay, that should be a no problem. But what if, the guy is in Singapore, and the girl is at somewhere far like in Germany? If you're asking us what is she doing there, we shall say, she is pursuing her studies over there. We do have a friend who actually practices LDRs. Our friend is a guy. His girlfriend is now at Australia pursuing her studies. She's been there for about 2 years now. And believe it or not, both of them has been together for 8 years! We also knew his girlfriend, and we're kinda close with each other. They kept in contact through the ways we've mentioned above. They will only get to meet when she came back for study breaks (She gets to go home only two months in a year). So in a year, they will only get to meet for about 60 days. When asked, she just told us that she trusted her boyfriend, and she lets fate decides in everything or anything that happens. She also ever caught her boyfriend cheating behind her back. She adds that trust plays a very important role when it comes to LDRs. If the guy really loves you, be it in LDRs or not, he won't fling with other girls. Now, the recently updated news that we've heard about them is, they are getting married by early next year, soon after she has completed her studies. Alhamdullilah. So readers, is LDRs really something that can be achieve? If we still disagree with it, we've came across with someone who has a successful LDR. So, what's your say? Saturday, February 13, 2010 Boy/girl Bestfriends. #2 Well, you have a bestfriend of the opposite gender. In this case, you guys are just bestfriends and do not have feelings for each other. You guys are really close but really, during that point of time, both of you do not have the 'thing' for one another. Whenever people asked 'Are you guys together?', you guys will reply 'No, we're just bestfriends' and it's the truth, right? But people just brushed it off and still insists of having the mindset of you being a couple. People think both of you have feelings for each other just because you're close. Ever been in this situation before? Having a bestfriend of the opposite gender is good, because you'll know more about the opposite gender. Don't you hate it when the both of you are really bestfriends and people assume that the both of you are couples? Doesn't mean that the both of you are close, there must be something going on with the both of you. But really, it's up to them. There's nothing you guys can do about it. You've explained, but they're just too stubborn. Another bad thing is you'll not be close as before when one of you is attached. Because why? Your partner will get jealous. If you're as close as before, your parnter will get mad. "Why are you always with him/her?! You have feelings for him/her?!" See, this could even lead to misunderstanding. There's many badpoints of having a bestfriend of the opposite gender. You just have to risk alot of things. But don't be disheartened. If both of you really treasure your friendship, find ways to solve your problems. Appreciate your bestfriends more and treat them nice because you'll never know when he/she might leave. So, what's your say? Boy/Girl Bestfriend. You have a bestfriend of the opposite gender. You guys are very close, sharing secrets and such, but you never thought things would go different. As time pasts by, you realised ; You have feelings for him/her. And he/she felt the same way too. But, both of you thought that it is impossible to be with each other. Cause, both of you started as bestfriends. Won't it be weird if both of you ended up as a couple? When you're bestfriends with each other : 1) You tend to talk using harsh words with each other. - Eh! Why are you acting like an idiot today?! 2) You tend to joke in a harsh way with each other. - Hey! What the hell is wrong with you?! When you're with each other (Couple) : 1) You talk using the most appropiate words you can think off with each other. Try talking using harsh words. See the outcome you will receive. - B! Why are you acting as stupid as an innocent baby? Trying to be funny huh? Hehehe. 2) You tend to joke with each other, but not in a harsh way. - B! Don't let me bite you! Stop teasing me! See the difference? We have an experience that ever happened to one of us before. Here it goes ... We both started as a normal friends. As time goes by, we became closer and we decided to be bestfriends with each other. We feel very comfortable confiding to each other, share secrets with each other, and much more. Till one day, both of us realised that we have feelings for each other. But, it's impossible for us to be with each other. Whenever im attached, he's single, and vice versa. We kept the feelings for each other for about nearly a year plus. After waiting for so long, we finally got together, but ... Before getting attached, one particular incident took place. I went Karaoke-ing with him and my girlfriend. It won't be fun if we don't drink. So, my girlfriend ordered one big jar. Drink, sing, and at last, im drunk. In between of the Karaoke-ing session, bestfriend asked me to accompany him to go smoke. So, i followed him. (Once you're drunk, everything that came out from your mouth is true, or you don't even realized what you're talking about.) When we're smoking, he asked me why im sad and stuffs. So, i answered him everything. I told him that i love him and stuffs, and im sad that we can't be together and blablabla. Bestfriend send me home and guess what? He asked me to be his girlfriend, and i accepted him. But sadly, our relationship lasted for only 3 days. It's kinda awkward and weird. I don't know why, but i just find that funny how you tend to fall for your own bestfriend. Many people say: 'There will be no bestfriend between a girl and a boy because in between, one of them will tend to fall in love with him/her or even, they'll fall for each other.' Maybe this statement is right? We don't know. So, what's your say? We're sorry for the long hiatus. We're busy with work and school. But no fret, we're making a come back! So for today, we're gonna post as much as we can just for you readers. (: Monday, February 1, 2010 Single. We're single, and we're proud of it. Eventhough there will be times that we tend to be bored or lonely, we're better off being single. There is lots of things that can be done when you are single. 1. You are free to be friends with anybody, and nobody has the right to stop you from doing so. 2. There is no need for you to report strengths to your girlfriend/boyfriend. - (Dear, im with my camp mates now. We're heading towards Town later.) - (B, im going Bugis with Mama. She wants me to accompany her.) 3. You are free to do whatever you want without anybody trying to stop you. - (Going home late.) - (You can wear whatever you want.) It's totally annoying when everytime you quarrel with your girlfriend/boyfriend just because of you can't contact your own girl/boy friends. Is it a must to report everything to your boyfriend/girlfriend? (I bet your prepaid value always runs out fast or your bill is extremely high just because of this.) And it's totally irritating if you can only go home late at night when you are with them, and not your friends. How about if they demanded you not to wear clothes that will reveal your body? Suffocated much, right? Ever been in this situation before? Felt like kicking/punching your partner? Felt like shouting straight to his/her face for controlling you way too much? Felt like running away from him/her? Well, one of us have came across with this situation before. The guy was way too controlling. Since she can't take it anymore, the broke up in the end. Here it goes ... Well, our purpose for bringing out this topic is to share with you readers why being single is better off than getting attached. 1. You have to go through of the process of "knowing each other first". 2. You have to go through the process of "developing feelings for each other". 3. You have to go through the process of "meeting his family/friends/relatives". Are you aware that you need and you are going over the same process? Don't you readers get sick and tired of it? Being single means freedom! No one to control you! If you're attached .. 1. Quarrels with your boyfriend/girlfriend. Arguments, fights, quarrels! You can even argue over the smallest thing. 2. Jealousy. This is a bad disease. Well, not literally a disease. But you get the point. Jealousy will lead to point number 1. 3. You can't take a good look at people. Wow, there's this cute guy/girl infront of me! But sadly, i can't look for long. I'll get a scolding by my partner if he/she finds out. 4. You tend to prioritise him/her more than your friends/family/relatives. You somehow didn't realize this, but people around you will. To those who're attached, don't ever ever neglect your friends. Honestly, it's super irritating to always be with your partner. Agree? And more. I'm sure you readers have a picture of what I'm trying to say. (; And yes, we admit, BEING SINGLE IS A BORE. No one to pamper around with. But in teenage life, no boyfriend/girlfriend won't die right? We have a friend who's never been attached at all but she's pretty. She told us, ''This boyfriend girlfriend thingy ain't important at all.'' Who says we can't live without a partner in teenage life? There's such thing as mingling around. Hehehe. But don't mingle too much or else people will call you a flirt for no apparent reason. So all the single ladies/gentlemen, brace yourself up! Being single can be great, too! So stop having the mindset of having the need to have a boyfriend/girlfriend! So, what's your say? Liars. I'm sure all of us have came across with these type of people. It's really frustrating when people lie. Well, who won't feel frustrated? You feel cheated, feel like stabbing that person. If murder wasn't a crime and not a sin, I'm sure all of us would want to kill them. Haha, okay I'm exaggerating. My friend (a girl), 'A' , got to know this guy from a social-networking website. Sometimes, we shouldn't trust that person easily if we don't really know him/her inside out. But I have to admit my friend, is kind of gullible. When she browsed through this guy's profile, she immediately fell in love with him. Because why? Because of his looks. After awhile, they started to contact with each other. Only 2 days of knowing him, he asked for a stead. And as expected, she accepted him. He's handsome, and it's such a waste if she rejected him. That's what she thought. |
We know we've been MIA for quite some time now but to let you guys know ... WE'RE BACK! We'll be posting as much as we can like last time. We would like to extend our apologies to our dear readers for leaving dust in this blog. Fret not, No-Controversy has returned!
We're back with a new concept too! Back with fresher and juicier topics/stories. We shall be more open about everything, and shall not focus on 'Love' alone. Touching too much about 'Love' might affects those who are single, get some readers irritated, and some might even feel bored and dull. Our most essential aim and focus of this blog - We don’t condemn, we don't discriminate, we don’t judge, we don’t hate. We are just being open-minded, and not narrow-minded. We update and share things about what is actually happening around us, and maybe some of you are not aware of it. We will remain anonymous for reasons that must be remain private. We do not ripped from any other blogs. This is originally from our own effort. This blog was created quite a long time ago. But, we just started active recently. We really do hope to get supports from you readers.
Readers are welcome to share any experience(s) with us. You can do so to the e-mail address provided. We do not give out your personal details unnecessarily. Your identity will be confidential and will not be revealed.