Saturday, May 29, 2010

- Topic suggestion by Firah.

A promise has always been something that gives hope, something that makes us advance, and something that we can look forward to. It gives us security; it assures us and calms our troubled mind. But then promises are also made to be broken, and indeed it has been repeatedly broken, time and again. You just can't hold on to promises, because everything is subject to change. Accept that reality.

Your partner made a promise that he/she won't do something that you don't like. In the end, your partner did it. Yes, it hurts knowing that they have broken the promise they themselves made.

Honoring promises is high on all of our list of requirements in being a person of integrity. Basically, whenever someone fails to follow through on a promise, with the exception of giving a reasonable excuse for backing out on their word, it registers as a betrayal. Whenever we've had a promise made to me broken, it has affected all of us adversely. No one likes to be forgotten or dumped upon. Frankly, it hurts!

It is never okay to break a promise. Granted, people do have a right to "change their minds" from time to time. It is understandable that occasionally circumstances can arise after the fact that can make following through on commitments unfeasible. But, if you routinely renege on your promises or if on the flip side you are often the recipient of broken promises it is time to evaluate this pattern.

Keeping promises is very important. Don't make promises you can't keep. Broken promises hurt individuals and can erode relationships. Trustworthiness is too valuable of a characteristic to own. Don't give it away. So, please keep your promises.

What it means to be a Friend.
- Topic suggestion by Ps.

True friendship is hard to find. For some, the defining moments of friendship were profound, such as the soulmate who helps you through the grief of losing a family member or camps out in your hospital room when you're sick. For others, it's smaller gestures that loom large. The friend who talks for hours when you're feeling alone, even if it means going over on his handphone minutes, or the one who helps you with your homework, even when she hasn't done her own.

Big or small, it's actions that seem to count the most in friendship. In a time when we can chat effortlessly by text and MSN, talk is getting cheaper. Many of you believe that the evidence of true friends is what they do to show their loyalty, honesty, trustworthiness, or willingness to make a sacrifice when you need help.

Arguements, fights, quarrels, misunderstandings and such are something that's normal in friendship. Which friendship doesn't have its ups and downs. True enough? But, when these things always happens to you and your friend, there must be something wrong somewhere in your friendship.

To argue, fight, quarrel, or to missunderstand something is uncool unless you’re six. As an adult, you are expected to act responsibly, having full control of yourself at all times. Do not get drawn into arguements, fights, quarrels, misunderstandings that will compromise your good name. Better yet, do not get involve in all of that, period. When a situation is brewing or if you feel that it is getting out of hand, don't risk yourself and just get yourself out of it.

Choosing a real friend is even harder. You can’t really take anything at face value. Most of the time, the words of people mean little when they can’t back it up with the necessary amount of actions and behavior.

So, what's your say?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Treating a girl well.

So, you finally have a girlfriend. It took you a while to get her but here you are with no useful skills, no attractive features and no hope in the world. Come to think of it, you are considered lucky to even be with her.

This means you better treat her well. If she realizes that she can do better than what you can offer, you might be in danger of losing her. You have to treat her so well that she doesn't even begin to think that she can do better.

Follow these simple steps and you will ensure that she gets treated well as your girlfriend. This guide will give you a heads up on what it takes to make a girl happy.

1. Be genuine.

- It helps to actually want to treat your girl well. If you do not want to treat her well, then you must not be ready to have a girlfriend. She will know if you are only trying to treat her well so that you can get something in return. If you have found the right woman, treating her well should be reward enough.

2. Everything should be about her.

- Let her talk about the things that are important to her. Listen to what she has to say. Learn more about the things that make her the woman she is. What are the things that interest her? You can begin by asking about her hobbies and doing the hobbies with her. Let say she's into fashion. You can also simply support her in her hobbies by going window shopping with her to explore new fashion trends or buying her gifts that show you support her endeavors.

3. Give her compliments.

- A compliment goes a long way for a girl. You can tell her she is pretty or give her a more specific compliment. Tell her how much you like her dress or how good dinner was. When you deliver your compliment, look into her eyes and tell her sincerely how you feel.

Guys, if you love your girlfriend, following our tips to impress her is absolutely a no problem. It's not so hard right? Treasure her while she's still yours. We do believe that every single girl deserve to be treated well.

How to read guys' mind?

Are you still confused with guys? Do you wish that you can read and understand what's actually playing inside their mind? Do you wish you knew everything that they are thinking about? Here's how you can do so.

1) Face value.

- First of all, understand that most guys are not as difficult to comprehend as women think they are. One of the common problems in relationships is when the female partner tries to make more out of a simple word or action that a male had said or done. In most instances, there is actually no deeper meaning behind simple gestures and simple conversations. While males can also venture into deep and sometimes even philosophical conversations, you will usually be able to spot when they are doing so. Otherwise, a simple comment is just a simple comment and nothing to fuss about.

2) Asking vs interviewing.

- Guys tend to be straight to the point. Instead of beating around the bush, try asking the question directly. This will usually help you get to the information you want right away. This also helps the guy who probably will feel uncomfortable as you slyly interview him. One of the common mistakes that occur in relationships between opposite sexes is that the guy is interviewed with a list of questions in mind. In reality, however, you do not need to grill the guy just to get an answer out of him.

For girls, a guy's mind can be confusing if not downright mind-boggling. With a little patience, however, you should be able to read guy’s minds easily. Once you know how to read the male mind, identifying his emotions, the meanings behind his actions, and what he really means should be fairly easy.

So, what's your say?

Friday, May 7, 2010

Being a plus-size, is that really an issue to you?
- Topic suggestion by PS.

Insults are never easy to take. Whether representing truth or not, insults are purposely said to demean a character and put a person down. Too often, people try to be nice and maintain good relationships with people in an attempt to avoid insults. But that in fact is a futile attempt. The truth is, you can’t pass this life without hearing a single word of insult. Always, people will find something bad about you and throw an insult at you. But while you can’t prevent people from making insulting remarks about you, you can do something to lessen the impact of the offense.

What's wrong about being a plus-size? Lots of people often looked down on them just because they are fat. Is there really something wrong with them or is there something wrong with you? We're sure that all of us here did went to school and is very well educated with good knowledge. And we're sure that school did taught us on how to have respect for each other. If you claim that you're very well educated just because of you went to school and they taught you on how to have respect for others, why still looked down on plus-size people?

Or, are you just jealous that they are plus-size and you are not one of them and that's why there's a need to insult them? If you're mature enough to think and act, there's no need for you to look down on plus-size people because basically, they are normal human beings like you and they are borned with feelings like you too. Put yourself in their shoes, what will you feel?

Keep in mind that insults are uttered usually out of an emotional outburst. Most of the time, insults are said out of extreme anger or other intense emotions. It is safe to say, therefore, that some insults are purely slip of the tongue. If you happen to receive this type of insult, it is best to pay no attention. If, however, the insults have some allusion to the truth, take them constructively. It can be pretty hard because the way insults are said and worded is not meant to build a person, but there’s no harm in taking something good from something as bad as an insult.

Now, i've got a confession to make. Im a plus-size, and im so proud of it. I have my family, my boyfriend, and a couple of true friends who loves me for who i am. Yes, people might have once insult me about my body. But, i never take those words seriously. Instead, i proved them wrong by showing them what im capable of doing and makes sure they can't do the same thing.

To those who are currently suffering from this situation, have confidence in yourself. Let people say whatever thay wanna say about you. We can't shut their mouth up or stop them from saying so. Once they are tired, they will stop doing so because according to their mindset, you really never care about their words that was supposed to pull you down.

Simply ignore them and don't give them your time to entertain all their insults. Im a plus-size, and im proud of it. :)

Is he/she really my bestfriend?
- Topic suggestion by Sha.

In life, it is important that you can have people around you who can support you when you’re doing something important or are undergoing some emotionally trying times. Friends are the people that you can depend on in life and while you may meet a lot of people in life, it may not be that easy to meet people who could be your friends for the rest of your life. The title of friend should not be thrown around haphazardly. It is a very important distinction that you have to really think about.

Choosing a real friend is even harder. You can’t really take anything at face value. Most of the time, the words of people mean little when they can’t back it up with the necessary amount of actions and behavior.

For us, we don't believe in bestfriends. We've encountered with so many experience(s) which made us say so. Bestfriends and friends are just the same thing. They stepped into our life, create so many memories with us, and left without reasons. We believe in true friends instead.

Who says bestfriends won't bustard you? Who says bestfriends won't bitched about you? Who says bestfriends won't spread rumours about you? Who says bestfriends won't backstabbed you? Who says bestfriends won't leave you because of their lover? Well, without you noticing it, your bestfriends might be your own enemy.

Trust is the most important thing in a friendship.

No matter how long you and your bestfriends have known each other, but still failed to have trust with each other within that long months/years, you should really consider in having them as your bestfriends. No point regarding them as one if they don't trust you.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Can you and your ex become friends after a break-up?

Things weren't right with your boyfriend/girlfriend, so you broke up. But you still care about them and want to be friends. Sometimes this is possible. But, how can you and your ex become friends after a break-up?

1. Make sure you're over them. Even if you're going to be the best of friends, you both still need some time to collect yourself after breaking up.

2. Make sure your intentions are good. Being "friends" with an ex just to torment them or to prevent them from dating other people doesn't help anyone in the long run. In fact, it makes you look really bad.

3. Check in on them. Send a friendly text message or call them on their birthday. Ask them how things are going. Find out what's new in their life and how they've changed since you dated. Be supportive of their individuality.

4. Let them know that you feel positive about them as a person and that you'd like to be friends with them. If you were there for them as a boyfriend/girlfriend, you can be there for them as a friend, too.

5. Tell them that you think they're great and that, for the most part, you wouldn't change a thing about them. Well, unless they're doing something really mean or stupid. An ego boost can help mend some of the leftover wounds from the breakup.

6. Avoid sexual and romantic topics and the temptation to flirt especially when you're starting the friendship. This can be tricky if you have been involved with someone romantically, but you can do it if you stay focused. You don't want to lead the other person on, and you certainly don't want them to lead you on either.

7. At first, keep your conversations and meetings short and, if possible, fun. Remind them just how great you are to hang out with. However, set limits for how often you'll talk to them and hang out with them.

8. Keep working toward your own goals. Don't fall back into negative old patterns from the relationship. Develop your own interests and encourage your ex to do the same.

9. If your ex doesn't seem interested in a friendship, you need to respect their wishes. It may be a possibility in the future, but for now, focus on your other friends.

10. Also, if your ex is not treating you with the same respect you expect of any other friend, it's not a good time to pursue a friendship with them.

Or maybe, you can tell a good friend about your efforts to be friends with your ex and ask them to look out for you. Be friendly, kind and consistent with your ex. Remind them often that you're glad they're a part of your life. Don't blow them off to hang out with your new crush. In general, be aware that they might still be feeling a bit sensitive about some aspect of the breakup and feel weird about you seeing other people. It's quite possible that your ex may not be up for a friendship. Be forgiving and move on if this is the case.

So, what's your say?

Getting him/her back.

You once let him/her go but now you want him/her back. What can you do to win back the heart of a guy/girl from your past? Is it possible to make a new start with an old love? Absolutely, without a doubt, the answer is YES!

When it comes to love what’s old can easily become something new. You already hold the advantage when trying to win back the affections of an ex, namely a pre-established connection. Your foot is in the door and as long as your willing to endure you can kick that door open once more. But there are obviously going to be some obstacles to overcome as well.

There are no guarantees in life. There are only gambles. Everything in life is a gamble, even love. However, in winning the affections of another person there are a few things that almost always guarantee results. Follow these tips to woo back your guy/girl and you just may get that second chance you’re longing for.

But remember, there is a fine line between wooing and stalking. If your efforts prove fruitless after a reasonable amount of time, if you find yourself consumed with winning him/her back at the expense of all other things, or if he/she repeatedly tells you to go away and you continue to pursue him/her you are crossing that line. Keep that in mind while following your heart and our tips and you’ll be fine.

1. Forgive and forget. Let go of the past and make a pledge to focus only on the future.

2. Apologize and mean it. Admit your mistakes and regrets and affirm your commitment to making good on past wrongs.

3. Accept that you will have to do a great deal of chasing, especially if you messed up the relationship the first time around. You will have to pull your ego in check and put your heart on the line if you are to make any progress.

4. Don’t expect him/her to come running back to you just because you are putting out signals that you want him/her again. You want him/her back and you need to do the work. Call him/her, text him/her, come to him/her and make him/her feel wanted. It is the only way.

5. Expect some rejection. When an old flame starts heating up again the person being pursued may try to get out of the fire. This doesn’t necessarily mean that he isn’t interested. It could mean that he is spooked. He may be weary of trying to be with you again out of a fear of more hurt or he/she may be in another relationship and his/her heart may be torn in which case expect more resistance than you would experience under other circumstances. For whatever reason people rarely rush back into an ex’s arms right away. Be diligent, expect some resistance and be aware that in this endeavor your ego is going to get some bruises.

6. Know when to give up. This is not so much indicated by the amount of time that has passed as it is an accurate reading of his/her true feelings. Your instincts are your best friend in this; they rarely lead you astray. Instincts often tell a truth the heart is unwilling to accept. Listen to him/her, listen to your gut and back off if one or both are adamantly telling you to.

7. Be willing to settle for less. Be willing to have him/her in your life as a friend even if he/she won’t be your boyfriend/girlfriend. There are lots of reasons why a guy/girl who cares for you will keep his/her distance after a breakup even when you are sending out all the right signals and it isn’t always as simple as him/her not wanting to be with you. Accept that (for now) friendship is all he/she has to offer you and then truly be his/her friend.

Nothing is set in stone when it comes to love and things often feel over when they really aren’t. Sometimes the greatest loves are built on strong friendships and you can never know what the future will bring. So, what's your say?

Getting over a break-up.
- Topic suggestion by PS and Unknown.

If you've just had a break-up and are feeling down, you're not alone. Just about everyone experiences a break-up at sometime, and many then have to deal with heartbreak, a wave of grief, anger, confusion, low self-esteem, and maybe even jealousy all at once.

Although the causes/reasons of breaking-up may be different, the feeling of loss is the same. Whether it's the loss of something real or the loss of something you only hoped for. People describe heartbreak as a feeling of heaviness, emptiness, and sadness.

Most people will tell you you'll get over it or you'll meet someone else, but when it's happening to you, it can feel like no one else in the world has ever felt the same way. If you're experiencing these feelings, there are things you can do to lessen the pain.

1. Share your feelings.

- Some people find that sharing their feelings with someone they trust (someone who recognizes what they're going through) helps them feel better. That could mean talking over all the things you feel, even having a good cry on the shoulder of a comforting friend or family member. Others find they heal better if they hang out and do the things they normally enjoy, like seeing a movie or going to a concert, to take their minds off the hurt. If you feel like someone can't relate to what you're going through or is dismissive of your feelings, find someone more sympathetic to talk to.

2. Remember what's good about you.

- This one is really important. Sometimes people with broken hearts start to blame themselves for what's happened. They may be really down on themselves, exaggerating their faults as though they did something to deserve the unhappiness they're experiencing. If you find this happening to you, nip it in the bud! Remind yourself of your good qualities, and if you can't think of them because your broken heart is clouding your view, get your friends to remind you.

3. Take good care of yourself.

- A broken heart can be very stressful so don't let the rest of your body get broken too. Get lots of sleep, eat healthy foods, and exercise regularly to minimize stress and depression and give your self-esteem a boost.

4. Don't be afraid to cry.

- Going through a break-up can be really tough, and getting some of those raw emotions out can be a big help. We know this is another tough one for guys, but there's no shame in crying now and then. No one has to see you do it. Just a find a place where you can be alone, like crying into your pillow at night or in the shower when you're getting ready for the day.

5. Do the things you normally enjoy.

- Whether it's seeing a movie or going to a concert, do something fun to take your mind off the negative feelings for a while.

6. Keep yourself busy.

- Sometimes this is difficult when you're coping with sadness and grief, but it really helps. This is a great time to redecorate your room or try a new hobby. That doesn't mean you shouldn't think about what happened. Working things through in our minds is all part of the healing process. It just means you should focus on other things too.

7. Give yourself a time.

- It takes time for sadness to go away. Almost everyone thinks they won't feel normal again, but the human spirit is amazing and the heartbreak almost always heals after a while. But how long will that take? That depends on what caused your heartbreak, how you deal with loss, and how quickly you tend to bounce back from things. Getting over a break-up can take a couple of days to many weeks, and sometimes even months.

Some people feel that nothing will make them happy again and resort to alcohol or even drugs. Others feel angry and want to hurt themselves or someone else. Sometimes the sadness is so deep, or last so long that a person may need some extra support.

So be patient with yourself, and let the healing begin.

We know we've been MIA for quite some time now but to let you guys know ... WE'RE BACK! We'll be posting as much as we can like last time. We would like to extend our apologies to our dear readers for leaving dust in this blog. Fret not, No-Controversy has returned!

We're back with a new concept too! Back with fresher and juicier topics/stories. We shall be more open about everything, and shall not focus on 'Love' alone. Touching too much about 'Love' might affects those who are single, get some readers irritated, and some might even feel bored and dull.

Our most essential aim and focus of this blog - We don’t condemn, we don't discriminate, we don’t judge, we don’t hate. We are just being open-minded, and not narrow-minded. We update and share things about what is actually happening around us, and maybe some of you are not aware of it. We will remain anonymous for reasons that must be remain private.

We do not ripped from any other blogs. This is originally from our own effort. This blog was created quite a long time ago. But, we just started active recently. We really do hope to get supports from you readers.

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