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Tuesday, July 27, 2010
A healthy relationship. Topic suggestion by Nura. A relationship that is solidly built on love is destined to last for a very long time. However, it is a partnership wherein both people need to share in each and every aspect of the relationship to make it work. No one can do this on his/her own. Oftentimes, the effort exerted may seem too much to handle and one or both partners may give up leading to a deteriorating of the bond that ties two people together. The answers may bot be as complex as they appear to be. 1) The most important question you should ask yourself is whether you really love the person you are with or not. It is a pointless to carry on if you have doubts about this. When you really love someone, you are willing to do things that will make this person happy. He/she has to be worth changing for. There may be certain aspects of your personality that are not good for the relationship. Your readiness to make necessary changes greatly depends on just how much you really love this person. 2) Respect, loyalty, and honesty are essential factors in maintaining a healthy relationship. Lose one of these and your relationship is doomed to fail. In fact, these three traits go hand in hand. Consider this. When you respect someone, you would not want that person to lose trust in you. Being dishonest only means that you do not respect the person enough to gain his trust. It also follows that you remain loyal to this person when you are honest. Infidelity is definitely a dishonest act and shows your lack of respect and loyalty to your partner. 3) Learn how to communicate with each other. A lot of times, people tend to keep feelings bottled up inside them for fear of hurting other person. This manner of thinking does not only hurt you, but your partner as well. You could actually get sick when you keep things that bother you to yourself. Eventually, these feelings will have to emerge and could be all blown out of proportion from all that build up inside you. As for your partner, it would be so unfair for him/her to know what you may hold against him/her, and may even be surprised if you blurt a million things you dislike all in one day. Set things straight immediately if you feel that something could negatively affect your relationship and be able to accept certain things your partner may have to say about you too. Never sleep on a quarrel. It doesn't solve anything. 4) Keep those flames of passion burning no matter how long you have been together. Remember what made you fall in love with each other in the first place. Do not allow your relationship to go stale. Try to come up with ways to add a little more excitement to your life together. Go out on dates like you used to, or simply spend time with each other. These simple things go a long way in keeping each other happy and contented. Monday, July 19, 2010 Is he/she dumping me? It happens to the best of us and nothing feels worse. Losing love is hard enough but add rejection to the mix and it can be devastating. When you've been dumped it feels like your world is closing in to smother you and you wonder if you will ever feel happy again. Yes, one day you will feel happy again, you will love again and the loss will become nothing more than a life experience. But when you are in the middle of it, caught in those end days of a once blossoming relationship, it can feel like the confusion will never end. Relationships don't just end. Like it or not you can always see a break up coming. There are always clues. When we sense a looming break up we often retreat in to denial and this is why actually being dumped seems like such a shock. But the reality is that anybody who is willing to look can see the writing on the wall long before the relationship actually ends. 1. He/she is suddenly busy all the time, and never seems to have time to spend with you. - When you find yourself becoming less and less of a time priority, even if the reasons for the distance seem logical, it is never a good thing. 2. You find that only your fingers do any walking. - If you are the only one who ever picks up the phone, especially if the phone calling used to be split pretty equally, break up bells should start ringing. 3. He/she says he/she is at one place but is really at another. - People do not tend to lie for no reason, if he/she is not being honest about where he/she is or who he/she is with there is rarely a noble reason for the deception. 4. You don't seem to connect anymore. - Remember how when you were first getting together you would run into each other in unexpected places? If these "accidental" meetings become less common place it may be no accident at all. 5. Her/his friends seem distant. - When somebody wants out of a relationship they often let their friends in on the secret well ahead of time. If your partner's friends seem less friendly it is a good indicator that they know something you don't and that it probably isn't good. 6. He/she starts introducing you to new people as "a friend". - If he/she is calling you a friend that is all he/she sees you as bottom line. 7. You seem to be fighting a lot about little things. - Lots of little fights often mean much bigger things are really at issue. 8. Kissing and telling. - Respect is a relationship essential, once it has been compromised the relationship often follows suit. 9. You just can't seem to do ANYTHING right. - Be it the style of your hair or the way you walk, if your partner suddenly finds fault with everything you do he/she is probably trying to push you away. 10. You aviod any conversation that begins with "we have to talk" or "I don't know how to say this." - If your partner is using these opening lines a break up speech usually follows. If you are avoiding conversations that start like this it is probably because you sense that a break up is near and think that if you avoid the talk it won't happen. You are wrong. If a person wants out of a relationship they will get out whether you let them tell you or not. Avoiding this talk is just prolonging the inevitable. Break ups can be harsh but they hurt less if you face facts rather than hide from the truth. So, what's your say? |
We know we've been MIA for quite some time now but to let you guys know ... WE'RE BACK! We'll be posting as much as we can like last time. We would like to extend our apologies to our dear readers for leaving dust in this blog. Fret not, No-Controversy has returned!
We're back with a new concept too! Back with fresher and juicier topics/stories. We shall be more open about everything, and shall not focus on 'Love' alone. Touching too much about 'Love' might affects those who are single, get some readers irritated, and some might even feel bored and dull. Our most essential aim and focus of this blog - We don’t condemn, we don't discriminate, we don’t judge, we don’t hate. We are just being open-minded, and not narrow-minded. We update and share things about what is actually happening around us, and maybe some of you are not aware of it. We will remain anonymous for reasons that must be remain private. We do not ripped from any other blogs. This is originally from our own effort. This blog was created quite a long time ago. But, we just started active recently. We really do hope to get supports from you readers.
Readers are welcome to share any experience(s) with us. You can do so to the e-mail address provided. We do not give out your personal details unnecessarily. Your identity will be confidential and will not be revealed.