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Monday, January 24, 2011
Adventures. Getting stucked at home without things to occupy us with can lead to a major stress. No work, no school, no exciting activities, absolutely nothing. For my case here, i was recently jobless as the company that i've been working for months wasn't doing business, and sadly, it has to close down. It isn't easy finding jobs nowadays. But no worries, im not going to complain about how mundane my life looked like ever since i was jobless. No work for the time being means i can update regularly. But, this also means i must stop going for Karaoke sessions every end of the month like how i used to. Well, when i came up with the topic 'Adventures' today, im not referring to Bungee jumping, hiking, or infact not even Universal Studio of Singapore. How about something creepy, eerie, scary, but still exciting just to get fun or maybe just to gain experience, but maybe some might find it such an insane and stupid activity to do. Any ideas on what im talking about? If ghost-hunting is your answer, then you're indeed a genius. Im sure many should have guess the answer correctly since i did mention about something creepy, eerie, and scary in the previous paragraph. Recently, me and a couple of my friends organised a small meet-up session. So through out the conversation, we kept on talking about nonsensical things until we accidentally talked about ghost-hunting. It's been donkey years ago since we went out for adventures. Our destination previously was the French Embassy House (if i got the name correctly). It was located somewhere behind The Botanical Garden. The experience gained there was already enough for a first-timer like me. But that doesn't stop me from not going for adventures again. If i could still remember, there was around 3-4 bikes, around 6-8 including the riders and pillions, and i was the only girl there. But thanked God, nothing happened to me. One of my friend fall sick soon after this incident took place. According to him, his R6 felt heavy as he was on the way back home when no one else was on the bike with him. Thank God nothing happen to him too. So yeap. We're still planning for the exact destination. Somewhere creepy, eerie, and scary maybe? We might be going to a few places within one night. But the main problem is, we're still figuring out for more haunted places here. Old Changi hospital is surely out of the list. Maybe old abandoned houses? Such as the Sisters house located somewhere at town side? Old camps or headquarters? Such as the old army camp at Kranji? The cemetery? Such as the abandoned cemetery at Bukit Brown? Oh well. Im still blank. Maybe i shall search through the Internet right after updating. I might be sharing and i might be uploading some pictures soon after the adventures. Meanwhile, if any of my dear readers happens to know of any exciting places here, do share with me alright? So, anybody up with adventures? ;) Sunday, January 23, 2011 Ways to show your boyfriend you love him. -Topic suggestion by Passerby. Guys are always expected to do something creative for the woman they love. However, what can we, girls, do to show our boyfriend how much we love him? 1. Food.
2. Step out of your comfort zone.
3. Give him a gift.
4. Leave him notes.
5. Coupon book.
You don't have to be a genius to come up with something creative and special for the guy of your dream. After all, guys wants to feel just as loved as we girls would want from them. Relax and have fun. Good luck! Ways to be a better partner in a relationship. Have your heard your exes say that you're a lousy boyfriend/girlfriend? Perhaps the guy/girl you are currently dating has been complaining about your relationship? Do you feel that your guy/girl is always screaming at you with frustration? Here are some tips that you may want to consider in helping you become better in handling your relationships. 1. Communicate properly.
2. Pay attention.
3. Be lavish with compliments.
4. Be patient.
5. Keep your promises.
6. Make time.
Making a relationship work is never easy. There will always be conflicts, and misunderstandings between you and your partner. But this doesn't mean that you should give up, and accept that you're just not cut to be in a relationship for long. It's never too late to be a better partner in a relationship. Good luck! Saturday, January 22, 2011 How to present yourself on a date? Going out for your very first date? Going out for a date with your boyfriend/girlfriend but feel like changing your way like how you used to date? In a confusion state and don't know how to react? Fret not, we're here to help our dear readers. A lasting relationship must always start somewhere, and it rarely comes to anything if at the start ot the first date both parties have already created a bad impression. There a certain rules to follow in order to make things happen.
Today is an age wherein biases are down, individualities are celebrated, and being informally happy is the key to just let dates be more fun. So who knows, what inspires one may be quickly caught on with the other, thus setting the stage for the second date. Good luck! Friday, January 21, 2011 Things you should never say over text message. Text messaging has replaced much of our face-to-face time and for good reason. They're wuick, discreet and easy. You can give shouts to friends, hold shot conversations in situations where you can't speak openly, or break the ice with someone you've just met. 1. Breaking up. - Texting a breaking up is a bad idea. The person on the other end deserves an in person relationship kill. Text to set up a time and place to talk, but leave the reasoning to old-fashioned hot air. 2. Coming out. - Chances are the person you're coming out will be shocked about your announcement. And even if they're not, they still may wonder what's going on in your life that has led to you finally coming out of the closet. Neither you nor they can gage reactions and express the emotions that come along along with coming out properly over a text. Plus, a coming out text can be seen as the close of the conversation as opposed to the start of ongoing dialogue. If you're ready to come out, sit them down and tell them how you feel. 3. Health issues. - Mental and physical health are very personal things to discuss. Texting your HIV status to a partner or discussing mental health or other issues over text can send a shock way through your device. Get up front and get the support you need with a face-time talk. There are certain situations, however, that texts just can't articulate properly. As clear as the some statements may be, they carry an emotional weight that is best expressed through body language. Also, some things said over text lead to conversations that are much too involved and lengthy for the one hundred plus characters that you're allotted on your phone. The rules for texting your crush. Feeling so tempted to text the guy/girl you like, but unsure what sort of message to send? Play it safe and follow these rules for how to text your crush the right way. 1. Text them a simple question. - If you want your crush to reply to your text, you'll have to give him/her a reason to reply in the first place. Ask a simple question about what they're up to, or ask something related to a converstaion you had recently. 2. Don't wait by the phone. - If your crush texts you back, that's great. But there's nothing you can do to make it happen sooner. In the meantime, occupy yourself with something to do so you don't feel compelled to pick up the phone again. 3. Don't text your crush twice in a row. - Once you send a text, don't send another one till you hear back. Two or more messages in a row can come off as desperate, especially if you're sending them to someone who isn't already a close friend. 4. Keep the converstaion going...to a point. - Hopefully, your crush will respond to your text. Get the conversation going by replying, and see where it leads you. But don't keep things rolling just because. If you notice him or her responding with lots of one-word answers, or if more and more time passes between texts, then hold off for the night. Your crush is sending you signals that it's time for the conversation to be over. 5. Follow up in person. - Texting is great because it's low-pressure and not too nerve-wracking, but relationships can't be built on text messages alone. Next time you see your crush in person, go up to him or her and continue your conversation face-to-face. 6. Look for this big sign that they're not interested. - Are you always the one who texts your crush first? Does he/she never start a conversation or text you out of the blue? That's a sign that your crush might just be texting you out of boredom or politeness and doesn't think of you when you're not around. Hold off on the texts for a couple of days. If you don't hear back, you're probably better off without them. Remember, sometimes the wrong step taken might be irritating, or messages sent without main topic might just be too much for your crush. Good luck! Tuesday, January 4, 2011 Why do guys play hard to get? Playing hard to get is the oldest trick in the book. It makes the mind crazy and the libido strong, but it's not just for the girls. In this day and age, one of sexual liberation and therefore promiscuity, the fellas can exercise their right to withhold just as well as the girls. So, why do guys play hard to get? 1) He's ignorant. - Many guys, possibly the majority of guys, just don't know what they're looking at when faced with an interested girls. It's one of the reasons that girl frieds are such a precious resource. 2) He's shifty. - Some guys enjoy picturing themselves as Don Juan. It's a point of pride for them to juggle girls, toy with their emotios or even play them off of each other. These are usually the guys who hide their three girlfrieds from each other, never want to move in and later on in life start a different family in every state. Simply put, some guys are just cruel. They enjoy the attention and usually they enjoy the ensuing drama even more. It's a good idea to stay away from these guys, even if you seem inextricably drawn back to them. They're bad news and they're not the relationship type. 3) He's a jerk. - Some guys are simply not the settling down type. They will sell you on a whole bunch of nonsense like, "I've got to be free" or "I don't believe in monogamy" but it's always the same problem. They just don't want to tie themselves down. 4) He's damaged. - Some guys don't have the emotional or mental infrastructure to facilitate a serious commitment. These guys aren't always bad. Sometimes they just need patience and encouragement. It's also possible for them to be callous, shallow and thoughtless. At any moment they could turn into jokers or two-timers. It might be because they don't wat to settle down or it might be because their impulses push them to sabotage the relationship. Either way, the important thing to remember is that he's just as flawed as anyone else. Give him time and let him know how you feel. 5) Two way street. - Being the only active party in a relationship can be frustrating, and while playing hard to get can be fun and effective at the beginning of a relationship, there comes a time when everyone needs to start committing themselves to the relationship more seriously. This means talking about feelings, committing more seriously to your partner and taking the appropriate steps. If he's not matching up to this, it doesn't matter what the reason is. You deserve to have your feelings reciprocated. So, what's your say? Why do girls play hard to get? There are three types of girls: those who throw themselves at any member of the male sex, those who play hard to get and those who behave normally. I've just implied that girls who play hard to get are not normal. And they're not because they're game players. Their reasons for playing such games may vary. So, why do girls play hard to get? 1) Mothers' knows the best. - Some girls play hard to get because their mother told them to. You see, they claimed that she scored your father with some good old-fashioned teasing and coy behaviour that would rival the sauciest scenarios you can think of. 2) Them's the rules. - Some girls play hard to get because a silly book told them to. The rules tell women to ignore men and never make the first, second or eve tenth move. 3) You're backup. - Some girls play hard to get because they aren't sure they really want you. You might be cute, intelligent and well-paid, but she's not 100% sure about you. 4) She's neurotic. - Some girls don't know how to have a normal relationship. She might think she wants you one day but not the next. 5) She's just not into you. - Some girls aren't playing hard to get. Some girls really just aren't into you. Unfortunately, some guys totally pretend and convince themselves otherwise and continue to ask for dates. If a girl has turned you down every single time you've asked her out, odds are that she's not interested. Please don't waste your time pursuing one of these girls. So, what's your say? |
We know we've been MIA for quite some time now but to let you guys know ... WE'RE BACK! We'll be posting as much as we can like last time. We would like to extend our apologies to our dear readers for leaving dust in this blog. Fret not, No-Controversy has returned!
We're back with a new concept too! Back with fresher and juicier topics/stories. We shall be more open about everything, and shall not focus on 'Love' alone. Touching too much about 'Love' might affects those who are single, get some readers irritated, and some might even feel bored and dull. Our most essential aim and focus of this blog - We don’t condemn, we don't discriminate, we don’t judge, we don’t hate. We are just being open-minded, and not narrow-minded. We update and share things about what is actually happening around us, and maybe some of you are not aware of it. We will remain anonymous for reasons that must be remain private. We do not ripped from any other blogs. This is originally from our own effort. This blog was created quite a long time ago. But, we just started active recently. We really do hope to get supports from you readers.
Readers are welcome to share any experience(s) with us. You can do so to the e-mail address provided. We do not give out your personal details unnecessarily. Your identity will be confidential and will not be revealed.